Saturday, October 18, 2008

Our agenda for today

We are going to Kmart to Christmas shop for Madi and hopefully start a lay-away. We are taking this route because with the economy being so crazy right now we do not want to charge a lot of things for Christmas. We will just pay it out over time with cash.

An acquaintance has invited me over for girls night tonight. We will just eat, drink, play board games and talk about whatever.

Hubby went out early this morning and played a few games of basketball. And he plans to get the flower bed ready for Fall/Winter.

As for Madi, she is running around the house doing her own thing as I type. She keeps coming back to the computer room with stuff. First it was a sock, then a sock and a shoe (I guess she thinks that she is going somewhere). Next, she felt like reading so she came back with a couple of books, then she picked up a pen to scribble (Thank the Lord that she does not know how to operate the push button on the pen yet!) Now she is under my computer desk pressing buttons on my printer. Oh Lord!

I really think she's going to be into computers like her father. She often crawls up on my compter chair and pecks away on my laptop, moves the mouse everywhere. Then she gets down and goes to her father's computer and TURNS IT ON, crawls up into his chair and types on his keyboard.

We definitely have to protect information on our computers because she will jack our stuff up.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Good to know K-Mart's a bust. I won't try there! What did you get the little princess for Christmas so far? We will get together soon for apple butter and biscuits! ~Ash