Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just enjoying you!

At 19 weeks, "Buddy" has started moving a lot and it is so comforting. He is always on my mind. I mean, how can I forget about him as he tumbles inside my belly.

I went up into our attic today to get some of Madi's baby items down for "Buddy". Gosh, we have quite a few things like her old swing, bouncer, bassinet, and infant car seat. As I touched each item they brought back sweet memories of my baby girl. My heart smiled as it shared the warmth of our attic. The moment was short lived because I quickly had to get to the AC. Whew! It is hot enough to cook a full course meal in our attic. Kendrick came to the rescue and pulled everything down for me. I literally cannot wait to go through each of Madi's baby items to prepare them for Therren. I am feeling a kid in a candy store and I just had to share!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Retail Therapy while waiting for Baby

Okay, since finding out that we are expecting a Boy, I have had a major itch to buy something gender related! So tonight we stopped at Kohl's just to check out their baby stuff. The outfits were super cute or should I say "handsome." ( I gotta remind myself of the proper terminology when referring to the male gender....he-he.)

We found a few items on the clearance rack that were must haves! The price was just right so I could not leave the store without my Baby Boy's summer clothes. Kendrick picked out 1 outfit and I chose 2 more. We ended up spending less than $10 for all three outfits. How sweet is that!?

I think I have started something....I will be shopping clearance for the next couple of months. Babies can never have enough, right?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One of Each....We are Complete!

Kendrick and I visited First Glimpse in Macon today. I think we were both anxious to find out if "Buddy" was actually a Boy or Girl.

Madison said that she was having a Baby Brother since Day One of our pregnancy. I so wanted to believe her (yes, my 3 year old) so I hung on her every word. I had already named him and Madi began to call him by his name as well. When I looked for crib bedding online, I only looked at boy colors (blue, green, orange, and brown). I was a true believer that this was a Boy!

I rarely entertained the thought of it possibly being another Girl. How silly of me, right? I just started thinking of Girl names 2 weeks ago. I guess reality was beginning to set in so I tried to give it some thought. Ummmm...that didn't last long. I was back to my BOY name and picturing him as a part of our family. HE is all I could see. Kendrick also reassured me that "Buddy" was a boy. He says he just felt like it was.

Well "Buddy" you are definitely a BOY, a BROTHER, and my SON!

p.s. WE ARE DONE! : )

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reality Strikes and Bites

Well, in prepartion for Baby #2, we have moved Madi from her convertible crib to a Big Girl's Bed. We went to Wally World and purchased her pink Princess bedding to make her feel extra special about her transition. She totally bought into it and couldn't wait to jump beneath her covers.

After tucking her in, I sat on the side of her bed and just looked at her. There she laid with a big smile upon her face. I couldn't help but notice how her pillow swallowed her little pea-sized head. She looked up at me and said with a very proud smile, "GOOD NIGHT, MOMMY!"

It was in that moment that reality struck me hard. My baby girl wasn't a baby anymore. She is definitely growing up and looks to be very excited about it. I held back a tear and said, "Good night, Baby. I love you!"

I went to bed with a little sadness in my heart that she is moving on and truly making room for Baby. Is there really enough love to SHARE?